Digital Equity Survey (Organizers: TechSoup、Connect Humanity ) Since 2007, HKCSS has been launching the programme of “TechDonation”in partnership with TechSoup Global to offer IT product to the non-governmental and charity organizations.
WebOrganic is reviewing the service plan of existing Broadband Concession Scheme of students and elderly from low-income families and the persons with disabilities. The details of new scheme would be
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021: Smart People Award is established to recognise innovative development of ICT products/solutions or ICT-enabled services with the following award streams and objectives: Smart Inclusion:
For TechDonation (Macau) users, WhatsApp enquiry service will commence on 19 April 2021, WhatsApp contact number is 5486 4523. Macau users are welcomed to contact TechDonation customer service through WhatsApp
The biggest challenge for NGOs in organizing Flag Day is the process of counting and collecting flag bags. If they manage their flag bags in a more effective way, they
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) and its subsidiary, Information Technology Resource Centre (ITRC), are trying our best to provide information on this website. We make no expressed or implied warranties of the fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to any information, data or software whatsoever in this website. Under no circumstances will HKCSS nor ITRC be held liable to any third party who may choose to rely on the information, data or software in this website for planning or other purposes. Close