SocTech Symposium 2024: Navigating Innovation, Transforming Social Service Development: Making Good Use of Artificial Intelligence, Data Applications, and Cybersecurity “SocTech Symposium 2024” organized by the Information Technology Resource
【Suspension of WebOrganic Hotline Service】 Due to business re-structural, the WebOrganic Hotline Service (2922 9200) will be suspend from 21 April 2023. Existing broadband subscribers (who have successfully transferred to
We are inviting responses to the following Tender Invitation: Tender for Data Centre Service for ITRC Systems (Ref: DC2023-TD1) Interested parties please download the tender invitation with documents listed below.
Digital Equity Survey (Organizers: TechSoup、Connect Humanity ) Since 2007, HKCSS has been launching the programme of “TechDonation”in partnership with TechSoup Global to offer IT product to the non-governmental and charity organizations.
️“2022 Hong Kong ICT Awards: Smart Citizen Award” award categories and objectives are as follows: 智慧共融:推動弱勢社群參與及促進資訊科技社會發展的權利; 智慧樂齡:表揚各資訊科技創新項目,以回應老齡化社會面臨的挑戰; 智慧教育及學習:推動資訊科技在教育的應用,讓所有年齡、社經背景的人,均能接受教育以及免被邊緣化。 機構如有符合以上目的之項目,歡迎報名參賽。 比賽截止報名日期:2022年6月27日中午12點正 如欲了解更多有關「智慧市民獎」,可參閱官方網站,或直接下載參賽須知及報名表。 如有任何疑問,歡迎向籌辦機構社聯查詢(電郵:[email protected] /電話:2922 9229)。
【2022 Hong Kong ICT Awards: Smart Citizen Award is now accepting applications! 】 – The ICT Awards have started again! The “2022 Hong Kong ICT Awards: Smart Citizen Award” organized
WebOrganic is reviewing the service plan of existing Broadband Concession Scheme of students and elderly from low-income families and the persons with disabilities. The details of new scheme would be
As early as October this year, Microsoft Corporation announced that it would optimize the strategic direction of cloud solutions for non-profit organizations (NGOs). January 7, 2022 April 3, 2022* All
This page is only available in Chinese. For enquiries, please call 2922 9258 or email to [email protected]. *Any matters and circumstances not covered by the above matters and
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