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Digital Equity Survey

Digital Equity Survey

Digital Equity Survey (Organizers: TechSoup、Connect Humanity ) Since 2007, HKCSS has been launching the programme of “TechDonation”in partnership with TechSoup Global to offer IT product to the non-governmental and charity organizations.
“2022 Hong Kong ICT Awards: Smart Citizen Award”‍ is now accepting applications🔥

“2022 Hong Kong ICT Awards: Smart Citizen Award”‍ is now accepting applications🔥

️‍“2022 Hong Kong ICT Awards: Smart Citizen Award” award categories and objectives are as follows: 智慧共融:推動弱勢社群參與及促進資訊科技社會發展的權利; 智慧樂齡:表揚各資訊科技創新項目,以回應老齡化社會面臨的挑戰; 智慧教育及學習:推動資訊科技在教育的應用,讓所有年齡、社經背景的人,均能接受教育以及免被邊緣化。 機構如有符合以上目的之項目,歡迎報名參賽。 比賽截止報名日期:2022年6月27日中午12點正 如欲了解更多有關「智慧市民獎」,可參閱官方網站,或直接下載參賽須知及報名表。 如有任何疑問,歡迎向籌辦機構社聯查詢(電郵:[email protected] /電話:2922 9229)。